Thursday, 13 December 2012

Good tips for keeping your skin healthy!

Hey guys! so through research and surveys, it is clear to me that most teens are looking for a way to help and keep their skin healthy, so here are some tips that may be useful!

Tip 1. Make sure to wash your face twice a day (morning and night). Use warm water with the combination of your cleansing product (e.g. clean and clear, neutrogena). Be sure not to scrub your skin as it may cause irritation. After your cleanse, moisturise your face, preferably with an oil-free product.

Tip 2. Remove all makeup from your skin before you sleep. This will also be good for removing any excess dirt and/or oils that have built up throughout the day.

Tip 3. Do not pop your pimples! I understand how tempting it may be to want to pop your pimples, however, they are best left untouched as popping them may cause a spread, leading to a massive breakout, and trust me, you wouldn't want that! Along with this tip, it is also good to avoid touching your face as the dirt and excess oils from your hand will cause pores to enhance. 

Tip 4. If you are getting acne on your body avoid wearing tight clothing as it will make it harder for your skin to breathe. Also try putting some of your cleanser on your acne prone area with a scrub whilst in the shower, leave it for a minute, and rinse. (I've tried it and you do see results!)

Tip 5. Avoid hanging your hair loose as the excess dirt and oils that are not needed on your skin, will be quickly collected by your skin. It is also good to make sure you clean your glasses on a regular basis so that excess oils do not build up. 

Tip 6. Make sure you use sunscreen! When i go to the beach or out on a sunny day i always use sunscreen (make sure you always re-apply), the one time i did not re- apply my skin begun to peel and pores were coming!

So there you have it! Some useful tips on how to help keep your skin healthy!

Dana xx

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